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How to fix Windows Error Code 9

Error Code 9 Fixing Instructions

(1) Download and install (Windows Error Code 9 Repair Tool). RECOMMENNED

(2) Click the "Scan Now" Button. and wait for the scan to finish.

(3) Click the "Fix" button to fix all identified errors.


Fix Error Code 9

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Technical details about error code 9

MSG_UNTRUSTED_ROOT_INFORMATIONAL. This error is due to Untrusted root certificate
MSG_TIMEPROV_FAILED_TIMEJUMP. This error is due to The time provider %1 returned an error when notified of a time jump. The error will be ignored. The error was %2. The default facility code
TWCC_BADPROTOCOL. This error is due to . The default facility code
SNMP_ERROR CODESTATUS_WRONGENCODING. This error is due to. The default facility code
NMERR_DRIVER_NOT_FOUND. This error is due to. The default facility code
NDDE_INVALID_ITEMNAME. This error is due to. The default facility code
MSIDBERROR CODE_BADGUID. This error is due to invalid GUID. The default facility code
SNMP_ERROR CODE_WRONGENCODING. This error is due to. The default facility code
NRC_NORES. This error is due to . The default facility code
ODBC_ERROR CODE_INVALID_DSN. This error is due to. The default facility code
POLICY_ERRV_GLOBAL_DEF_FLOW_DURATION. This error is due to. The default facility code
SMART_NOT_SUPPORTED. This error is due to Invalid cmd flag set. The default facility code
RSVP_Err_AMBIG_FILTER. This error is due to . The default facility code
SCESTATUS_ACCESS_DENIED. This error is due to. The default facility code
SE_CATEGID_ACCOUNT_LOGON. This error is due to Account Logon. The default facility code
MFE_NO_ROUTE. This error is due to router has no route that matches. The default facility code
CMC_FAIL_POP_FAILED. This error is due to. The default facility code
IAAPI_BADANY. This error is due to . The default facility code
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM. This error is due to. The default facility code
LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS. This error is due to. The default facility code
MAPI_DIAG_PROHIBITED_TO_CONVERT. This error is due to. The default facility code
LDAP_REFERRAL_V2. This error is due to. The default facility code
BTH_ERROR CODE_MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONNECTIONS. This error is due to. The default facility code
CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE. This error is due to. The default facility code
MSG_NO_POLICY. This error is due to The Certificate Services did not start Unable to load an external policy module. The default facility code
EVENT_MSCEP_FAILED_CA_CERT. This error is due to SCEP Add-on cannot retrieve CA s certificate (%2). %3 Please find support information at http . The default facility code
GE_SSC_ERR_INVALID_GE_STAGE. This error is due to . The default facility code
LLC_STATUS_ADAPTER_NOT_INITIALIZED. This error is due to. The default facility code
HIDP_GETCOLDESC_BYTE_ALLIGN. This error is due to. The default facility code
CR_INVALID_NODELIST. This error is due to. The default facility code
MSG_NO_REQUESTER_TOKEN. This error is due to The Enrollee was not able to successfully authenticate to the Certificate Service. Please check your security settings. The default facility code
IRQL_NOT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL. This error is due to. The default facility code
DHCP_DROP_WRONG_SERVER. This error is due to. The default facility code
ERROR CODE_INVALID_BLOCK. This error is due to The storage control block address is invalid. The default facility code
MD_ERROR CODE_SUB403_TOO_MANY_USERS. This error is due to. The default facility code
KDC_ERR_NULL_KEY. This error is due to The client or server has a null key. The default facility code
LOG_MODULE_DM. This error is due to. The default facility code
ERROR CODE_INVALID_BLOCK. This error is due to The storage control block address is invalid. This region is reserved to map undecorated error codes into HRESULTs.
MEM_E_INVALID_ROOT. This error is due to An invalid root block pointer was specified. The source of the error code is the Windows subsystem.
NTE_BAD_FLAGS. This error is due to Invalid flags specified. The source of the error code is the Security API layer.
STATUS_CTX_INVALID_MODEMNAME. This error is due to The modem (%1) was not found in MODEM. INF. The source of the error code is the control mechanism.
PERSIST_E_SIZEDEFINITE. This error is due to The size of the data could not be determined. The source of the error code is a certificate client or server?
PST_E_CALLER_NOT_VERIFIED. This error is due to. The source of the error code is Wininet related.
INET_E_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED. This error is due to. The source of the error code is Wininet related.
NS_E_CANNOTOFFLINEDISK. This error is due to Unable to offline disk. %0. The source of the error code is the Windows Media Server.
MQ_INFORMATION_FORMATNAME_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL. This error is due to The format name buffer supplied to MQCreateQueue was too small to hold the format name however the queue was created successfully. The source of the error code is the Microsoft Message Queue.
MQ_ERROR CODE_SHARING_VIOLATION. This error is due to There is a sharing violation. The queue is already open for exclusive retrieval. The source of the error code is the Microsoft Message Queue.
SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER. This error is due to The specified reader name is not recognized. The source of the error code is the Smart-card subsystem.
BG_E_ERROR CODE_CONTEXT_LOCAL_FILE. This error is due to The error occurred while the local file was being processed. Verify that the file is not in use and then try again. The source of the error code is background copy control
ERROR CODE_FLT_POST_OPERATION_CLEANUP. This error is due to The filter must cleanup any operation specific context at this time because it is being removed from the system before the operation is completed by the lower drivers. The source of the error code is the user mode filter manager.
STATUS_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND. This error is due to The cluster network interface was not found. The source of the error code is. NET CLR.
WCM_E_NOTPOSITIONED. This error is due to Enumerator is not positioned. The source of the error code is state management services.
COPYENGINE_E_DEST_SUBTREE. This error is due to The destination is a sub-tree of the source. The source of the error code is the user Shell.
NAP_E_NOT_PENDING. This error is due to Completion was indicated on a request that is not currently pending. The source of the error code is the user Shell.
TPM_E_FAIL. This error is due to The operation failed.
FVE_E_ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED. This error is due to BitLocker Drive Encryption could not perform requested action. This condition may occur when two requests are issued at the same time. The source of the error code is Full volume encryption.
FWP_E_ALREADY_EXISTS. This error is due to An object with that GUID or LUID already exists. The source of the error code is the Firewall Platform.
ERROR CODE_NDIS_MULTICAST_FULL. This error is due to The multicast list on the network interface is full. The source of the error code is the Network Driver Interface.
RTC_E_SDP_MULTICAST. This error is due to Multicast is not supported
RTC_E_PINT_STATUS_REJECTED_SW_FAILED. This error is due to Switch Failed
hrIncrementalBackupDisabled. This error is due to Another application has modified the specified Windows NT Directory Service database such that any subsequent backups will fail. You must perform a full backup to fix this problem.
ISDSC_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE. This error is due to Authentication Failure.
TAPI_E_CONFERENCEFULL. This error is due to The conference is full. The source of the error code is COM/OLE Interface management.
OLE_E_CANT_GETMONIKER. This error is due to Not able to get the moniker of the object. The source of the error code is COM/OLE Interface management.
STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER. This error is due to Invalid pointer error. The source of the error code is OLE Storage.
RPC_NT_NULL_REF_POINTER. This error is due to A null reference pointer was passed to the stub. The source of the error code is OLE Storage.
DISP_E_EXCEPTION. This error is due to Exception occurred. The source of the error code is a COM Dispatch.
RPC_NT_NO_ENDPOINT_FOUND. This error is due to No endpoint was found. The source of the error code is a COM Dispatch.
RPC_E_INVALID_DATAPACKET. This error is due to The data packet with the marshalled parameter data is incorrect. The source of the error code is an RPC subsystem.
DBG_COMMAND_EXCEPTION. This error is due to Debugger command communication exception. The source of the error code is an RPC subsystem.
E_ACCESSDENIED. This error is due to General access denied error. The default facility code
STATUS_BAD_INITIAL_STACK. This error is due to An invalid initial stack was specified in a call to NtCreateThread. The default facility code
STATUS_REGISTRY_RECOVERED. This error is due to {Registry Recovery} One of the files containing the system s Registry data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful. The default facility code

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