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How to fix Windows Error Code 35

Error Code 35 Fixing Instructions

(1) Download and install (Windows Error Code 35 Repair Tool). RECOMMENNED

(2) Click the "Scan Now" Button. and wait for the scan to finish.

(3) Click the "Fix" button to fix all identified errors.


Fix Error Code 35

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Technical details about error code 35

NRC_BRIDGE. This error is due to . The default facility code
KRB_AP_ERR_NOT_US. This error is due to The ticket isn t for us. The default facility code
POLICY_ERRV_GLOBAL_USER_SUM_FLOW_RATE. This error is due to. The default facility code
LLC_STATUS_TRANSMIT_ERROR CODE. This error is due to. The default facility code
FAT_FILE_SYSTEM. This error is due to Disable or uninstall any anti-virus disk defragmentation or backup utilities. Check your hard drive configuration and check for any updated drivers. Run CHKDSK . The default facility code
WAVERR_LASTERROR CODE. This error is due to. The default facility code
WAVERR_SYNC. This error is due to. The default facility code
MAPI_DIAG_MAIL_RECIPIENT_UNKNOWN. This error is due to. The default facility code
MSG_E_CO_INITIALIZE. This error is due to Certificate Services did not start Could not initialize OLE for %1. %2. The default facility code
NMERR_PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUND. This error is due to. The default facility code
BTH_ERROR CODE_LMP_TRANSACTION_COLLISION. This error is due to. The default facility code
LDAP_IS_LEAF. This error is due to. The default facility code
MSG_TIME_SOURCE_CHOSEN. This error is due to The time service is now synchronizing the system time with the time source %1. The default facility code
EVENT_SCEP_RA_CLOSE_TO_EXPIRE. This error is due to At least one RA certificate of SCEP Add-On will expire soon. Please follow instructions at http . The default facility code
CR_NO_MORE_HW_PROFILES. This error is due to. The default facility code
NTE_TOKEN_KEYSET_STORAGE_FULL. This error is due to The security token does not have storage space available for an additional container. The source of the error code is the Security API layer.
NS_E_CCLINK_DOWN. This error is due to Two Content Servers failed to communicate. %0. The source of the error code is the Windows Media Server.
MQ_ERROR CODE_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_TOO_SMALL. This error is due to The size of the buffer passed to MQGetQueueSecurity is too small. The source of the error code is the Microsoft Message Queue.
SCARD_E_DIR_NOT_FOUND. This error is due to The identified directory does not exist in the smart card. The source of the error code is the Smart-card subsystem.
BG_E_SERVER_EXECUTE_ENABLE. This error is due to Scripting OR execute permissions are enabled on the IIS virtual directory associated with the job. To upload files to the virtual directory disable the scripting and execute permissions on the virtual directory. The source of the error code is background copy control
WCM_E_CYCLICREFERENCE. This error is due to Cyclic reference detected. The source of the error code is state management services.
COPYENGINE_E_PATH_NOT_FOUND_SRC. This error is due to Source file does not exist or is unavailable. The source of the error code is the user Shell.
TPM_E_NO_ENDORSEMENT. This error is due to The TPM does not have an Endorsement Key (EK) installed.
FVE_E_FOREIGN_VOLUME. This error is due to This volume cannot be bound to a TPM. The source of the error code is Full volume encryption.
FWP_E_NULL_DISPLAY_NAME. This error is due to The displayData. name field cannot be null. The source of the error code is the Firewall Platform.
RTC_E_START_STREAM. This error is due to Can not start stream
ISDSC_SEND_FAILED. This error is due to TCP Send Failed.
TAPI_E_NOTOWNER. This error is due to The application is does not have OWNER privilege on the call. The source of the error code is COM/OLE Interface management.
RPC_NT_INVALID_BOUND. This error is due to The array bounds are invalid. The source of the error code is a COM Dispatch.
STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL. This error is due to {Buffer Too Small} The buffer is too small to contain the entry. No information has been written to the buffer. The default facility code
STATUS_IMAGE_MACHINE_TYPE_MISMATCH_EXE. This error is due to {Machine Type Mismatch} The image file %hs is valid but is for a machine type other than the current machine. The default facility code
STATUS_REDIRECTOR_HAS_OPEN_HANDLES. This error is due to The redirector is in use and cannot be unloaded. The default facility code

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