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How to fix Windows Error Code 11

Error Code 11 Fixing Instructions

(1) Download and install (Windows Error Code 11 Repair Tool). RECOMMENNED

(2) Click the "Scan Now" Button. and wait for the scan to finish.

(3) Click the "Fix" button to fix all identified errors.


Fix Error Code 11

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Technical details about error code 11

CR_INVALID_RESOURCEID. This error is due to. The default facility code
MSG_E_CANNOT_OPEN_CERT_STORE. This error is due to Certificate Services did not start Unable to open the certificate store for %%1. %2. The default facility code
TWCC_SEQERROR CODE. This error is due to . The default facility code
BTH_ERROR CODE_ACL_CONNECTION_ALREADY_EXISTS. This error is due to. The default facility code
CMC_FAIL_INTERNAL_CA_ERROR CODE. This error is due to. The default facility code
GE_SSC_ERR_NOT_OWNER. This error is due to . The default facility code
SNMP_ERROR CODESTATUS_NOCREATION. This error is due to. The default facility code
EVENT_MSCEP_NO_OPERATION. This error is due to HTTP message from the client contains invalid operation tag. Please find support information at http . The default facility code
NMERR_INVALID_HFRAME. This error is due to. The default facility code
MSG_NOT_DOMAIN_MEMBER. This error is due to Time Provider NtpClient This machine is configured to use the domain hierarchy to determine its time source but it is not a member of a domain. NtpClient will attempt to use an alternate configured external time source if available. If an external time source is not configured or used for this computer you may choose to disable the NtpClient. The default facility code
LLC_STATUS_COMMAND_CANCELLED_CLOSED. This error is due to. The default facility code
LOG_MODULE_RESMON. This error is due to. The default facility code
MD_ERROR CODE_SUB403_PWD_CHANGE. This error is due to. The default facility code
MFE_OLD_ROUTER. This error is due to upstream nbr doesn t support mtrace. The default facility code
LDAP_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED. This error is due to. The default facility code
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM. This error is due to. The default facility code
MSG_ROOT_LIST_AUTO_UPDATE_EXTRACT_ERROR CODE. This error is due to Failed extract of third-party root list from auto update cab at
SCESTATUS_PREFIX_OVERFLOW. This error is due to. The default facility code
HIDP_GETCOLDESC_TOP_COLLECTION_USAGE. This error is due to. The default facility code
CDERR_NOHOOK. This error is due to. The default facility code
IAAPI_BADNMD. This error is due to . The default facility code
NDDE_INTERNAL_ERROR CODE. This error is due to. The default facility code
MAPI_DIAG_PARAMETERS_INVALID. This error is due to. The default facility code
KDC_ERR_NEVER_VALID. This error is due to Requested start time is later than end time. The default facility code
DHCP_DROP_PROCESSED. This error is due to. The default facility code
NO_EXCEPTION_HANDLING_SUPPORT. This error is due to. The default facility code
POLICY_ERRV_GLOBAL_USER_FLOW_DURATION. This error is due to. The default facility code
SNMP_ERROR CODE_NOCREATION. This error is due to. The default facility code
ERROR CODE_BAD_FORMAT. This error is due to An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. The default facility code
MSIDBERROR CODE_BADIDENTIFIER. This error is due to bad identifier. The default facility code
MSG_MISSING_CERT_TYPE. This error is due to The request does not contain a certificate template extension or the %1 request attribute. The default facility code
ODBC_ERROR CODE_REQUEST_FAILED. This error is due to. The default facility code
NRC_CMDCAN. This error is due to . The default facility code
COR_E_BADIMAGEFORMAT. This error is due to The format of DLL or executable being loaded is invalid. This region is reserved to map undecorated error codes into HRESULTs.
ERROR CODE_BAD_FORMAT. This error is due to An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. This region is reserved to map undecorated error codes into HRESULTs.
NTE_BAD_KEY_STATE. This error is due to Key not valid for use in specified state. The source of the error code is the Security API layer.
STATUS_CTX_MODEM_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT. This error is due to The modem did not respond to the command sent to it. Verify the modem is properly cabled and powered on. The source of the error code is the control mechanism.
PERSIST_E_NOTSELFSIZING. This error is due to This object does not read and write self-sizing data. The source of the error code is a certificate client or server?
PST_E_DISK_IMAGE_MISMATCH. This error is due to. The source of the error code is Wininet related.
INET_E_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT. This error is due to. The source of the error code is Wininet related.
NS_E_NOREGISTEREDWALKER. This error is due to There is no file parser registered for this type of file. %0. The source of the error code is the Windows Media Server.
MQ_INFORMATION_OWNER_IGNORED. This error is due to The queue owner was not set during the processing of this call to MQSetQueueSecurity(). The source of the error code is the Microsoft Message Queue.
MQ_ERROR CODE_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE. This error is due to The Message Queuing service is not available. The source of the error code is the Microsoft Message Queue.
SCARD_E_SHARING_VIOLATION. This error is due to The smart card cannot be accessed because of other connections outstanding. The source of the error code is the Smart-card subsystem.
BG_E_ERROR CODE_CONTEXT_GENERAL_TRANSPORT. This error is due to The error occurred in the transport layer. The client could not connect to the server. The source of the error code is background copy control
ERROR CODE_FLT_DELETING_OBJECT. This error is due to The object specified for this action is in the process of being deleted therefore the action requested cannot be completed at this time. The source of the error code is the user mode filter manager.
STATUS_CLUSTER_INVALID_NETWORK_PROVIDER. This error is due to The cluster network provider is not valid. The source of the error code is. NET CLR.
WCM_E_INVALIDPATH. This error is due to Name or path of a state node is in invalid format. The source of the error code is state management services.
COPYENGINE_S_PENDING. This error is due to. The source of the error code is the user Shell.
COPYENGINE_E_FLD_IS_FILE_DEST. This error is due to Existing destination file with same name as folder. The source of the error code is the user Shell.
NAP_E_MAXSIZE_TOO_SMALL. This error is due to The maximum size of the connection is too small for an SoH packet. The source of the error code is the user Shell.
TPM_E_INSTALL_DISABLED. This error is due to The ability to install an owner is disabled.
FVE_E_AD_INVALID_DATATYPE. This error is due to The type of the data obtained from Active Directory was not expected. The source of the error code is Full volume encryption.
FWP_E_DYNAMIC_SESSION_IN_PROGRESS. This error is due to The call is not allowed from within a dynamic session. The source of the error code is the Firewall Platform.
ERROR CODE_NDIS_MULTICAST_NOT_FOUND. This error is due to At attempt was made to remove a multicast address that was never added. The source of the error code is the Network Driver Interface.
RTC_E_SDP_NO_MEDIA. This error is due to No media is available for the session
RTC_E_PINT_STATUS_REJECTED_BADNUMBER. This error is due to Bad Number
hrCircularLogging. This error is due to The Windows NT Directory Service component specified is configured to use circular database logs. It cannot be backed up without a full backup.
ISDSC_NOT_FOUND. This error is due to Not Found.
TAPI_E_INUSE. This error is due to The device is already in use. The source of the error code is COM/OLE Interface management.
OLE_E_STATIC. This error is due to Object is static; operation not allowed. The source of the error code is COM/OLE Interface management.
RPC_NT_BYTE_COUNT_TOO_SMALL. This error is due to The byte count is too small. The source of the error code is OLE Storage.
DISP_E_BADINDEX. This error is due to Invalid index. The source of the error code is a COM Dispatch.
RPC_NT_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND. This error is due to The object UUID was not found. The source of the error code is a COM Dispatch.
RPC_E_CLIENT_CANTMARSHAL_DATA. This error is due to The client (caller) cannot marshall the parameter data - low memory etc. The source of the error code is an RPC subsystem.
STATUS_FT_WRITE_RECOVERY. This error is due to {Redundant Write} To satisfy a write request the NT fault-tolerant file system successfully wrote a redundant copy of the information. This was done because the file system encountered a failure on a member of the fault-tolerant volume but was not able to reassign the failing area of the device. The default facility code
STATUS_INVALID_CID. This error is due to An invalid Client ID was specified. The default facility code
STATUS_NO_INHERITANCE. This error is due to {Non-Inheritable ACL} An access control list (ACL) contains no components that can be inherited. The default facility code

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